Get Pics Into Bright MLS
1. Click the "Download Link" in the content delivery email that you received.
2. On the navigation bar at the top (directly under the property address) click "Images".

3. If you only want images suitable for Bright MLS, uncheck the "Print Quality Images" box - this can significantly reduce the file size and download times. If you need "Print Quality" as well, leave the box checked.

4. When your browser indicates that the download has completed, locate the "Downloads" folder on your PC, or open the Finder on a Mac and navigate to the downloaded folder. It will be named with the subject property name.

5. PC: Right Click, and select "Extract All". You can select a new destination for the unzipped file, or accept the default which will be the same folder as the zipped folder. Mac: Double click on the zipped folder and the "Archive Utility" will automatically unzip the folder and have the files ready to use as normal.
6. Suggestion: Once you have successfully unzipped the folder, delete the original downloaded folder so there is no risk of uploading the wrong files to Bright MLS.
7. Congrats! All you need to do now is upload pics to Bright MLS
8. Get into the listing on Bright MLS, and click "Computer" as the source

9. Navigate to the folder containing the unzipped images, and select the ones that you want to upload.