Frequently Asked Questions
The Listing Agent or their representative and/or the homeowner are responsible for any staging or preparation of the property prior to the booking. We are happy to move the occasional small items that might detract from a picture, but it is our general policy that we won’t engage in any major staging or large item moving. We also don't want to handle any personal hygiene items typically found in bathrooms. We can't accept any responsibility for lack or preparedness for photography. We want you to be happy with the end result, so we recommend getting the property as shipshape as you can before we arrive. We do have a "getting ready for photos" checklist that you can download from our Photography Checklist page to send to your clients beforehand.
Can we move things "out of the way" or "room to room" as you go:
For most shoots, and especially if your booking includes a 3D Tour, moving items around or "out of the way" or "room to room" as you go doesn't work. The 3D camera covers 360° with every scan, so its entire field of view needs to be totally clear of unwanted objects, people, etc. Please also refer to "Preparation" section above.
Photographing homes can be a tricky job, and it can be even more tricky if we have to track the whereabouts of people and pets while we are shooting. We politely request that whenever possible homeowners and agents leave the property while we do our shoots. Think of it as a dry run for when showing time comes :-)
We are always happy to call or text someone when we are finished.
Delivery Turnaround:
3D Tours and Stills will be made available to you as soon as possible. Delivery is sometimes later the same day, or if not, by early in the morning the day after the shoot. Floor plans can only be processed after the 3D Tour has finished processing, so these can take up to 24-36 hours before delivery.
Service Area:
Apex Digital Services are delighted to serve you just about anywhere in the state of SC:-) However, we are based out of South Carolina, and our booking system won't allow bookings outside a certain range. We have to be mindful of travel times, and surcharges will be applied to shoots outside of the normal service area. Travel rates can be found on the fillable form found on the "Out of area booking" request page. Please complete this form, and we'll let you know when we can get your shoot done.
We know that “life happens” and sometimes things beyond your control might cause you to reschedule. Our booking Services will allow you to reschedule or cancel up to 24 hours in advance. Log into your portal account and click 'View' against the order you'd like to change. Scroll to the bottom and click the appropriate button. If you're within 24 hours, please call us directly and we will do our best to accommodate any changes that you need to make.
Inclement Weather:
If we are planning outside still shots and weather isn’t going to cooperate, Apex Digital Services will work it out with you directly to reschedule the shoot for a time when the sun has his hat on again....Or better yet, we have perfected a technique for sky replacement. We will often do this for you as a default, but if you ever see a shot or 2 that could benefit, please let us know.
Apex Digital Services will retain the copyright to all photographs and tours that we create for you, but you will be granted permission to use them in any way that you see fit for marketing the subject property. Apex Digital Services will also keep archives of all stills published so if you ever need them again in the future, we can help you out.
3D Virtual Tours
Apex Digital Services subscribes to the cloud hosting service for these tours with an Enterprise Account, but storage space for "live" tours is still limited. We do have to archive models periodically to free up storage space in our account. We will at a minimum not archive any tour until the listing is sold and off the market. Hosting policies are subject to change at any time.
After the photo shoot, we will eMail an invoice to you which can be paid online using a credit or debit card. Payment is due on receipt unless otherwise agreed to in advance.
Apex Digital Services reserves the right to cancel any booking at any time for any reason.
Incidental Charges:
Apex Digital Services will strive to avoid any incidental charges (e.g., parking, tolls, etc.) but if we just can’t get around it, those charges will be added to your invoice at cost.